Monday, September 01, 2008

update: 31 aug 2008

Dear All,

Sunday has ended for us and they have not found anything as yet. They will only send 1 or 2 more teams tomorrow and Tuesday but weather is not promising for these next few days. And actually they do not know where else to send the teams short of any clue turning up. They will be meeting on Tuesday morning (Malaysian Tue night) to review the case and they will most likely not do any more active search after that. We appear quite 'foolish' to them each time we meet because we tell them that we are still holding onto the hope that Yi Jien is alive because God has been affirming that for us . . . for them, they are quite sure that he can no longer be alive after 21 days.

As I mentioned in my last update, we can only trust that it is when we are absolutely without resources of our own or have no recourse to any human help or hope that He often shows Himself. And that seems to be the case now . . . humanly there is nothing we or the rangers can do at this point. We have not given up hope because God has not stopped assuring us that He will deliver Yi Jien . . . logically too, if He has kept Yi Jien alive all this while, then He should see to it that Yi Jien comes out alive.

I was reading Psalm 138 (my regular reading) and Isaiah 40 today. I had not wanted to turn to Isaiah for a long time because I did not want to simply claim God's promises from there because there are a number of such passages. But today, someone pointed me to Isaiah 46 and then I decided to read from Isaiah 40 onwards. Psalm 138:6-8 spoke to me again about His deliverance and the whole chapter of Isaiah 40 was immensely assuring. Before I slept the night before the words of the song 'Still' came to me . . "Find rest my soul in God alone, know His power in quietness and trust."

I feel bad that I have to keep asking all of you to continue to pray with us because it has been such a trying time for you as well . . but let us not give up hope yet and in faith to continue to come before His 'throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).'

So thank you again for coming alongside us and prevailing in prayer with us. His peace and joy be with you as you continue in faith to seek His face.

In His peace

kim guat


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